When the library is closed, our website is open for business!
Please email me at jdebonise@plymouth.k12.ma.us with any questions.
Ms. DeBonise
7:00 - 3:00 MONDAY
7:00-2:15 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Summer Reading
Everything you need to know about summer reading is here!
Please click here to fill out the PSHS Learning Commons Student & Staff Survey.
Ms. Judith DeBonise, Library Media Specialist
Mr. Justin Schuler, Instructional Technology Specialist
Mrs. Deb Foreacre, Online Learning
Mr. Paul Bonfilio, Computer Hardware/Software Technician
Pass procedure: Any student entering the Learning Commons during a class period must have a pass from his or her subject teacher.
K Block passes must be obtained from the Learning Commons during the first period of the day.
If you need to leave the LC for any reason, fill out e-hallpass and bring your chromebook to the circulation desk.
Computer and Internet Use: All students are welcome to use the computers, providing they have a signed Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) on file, and the computer is being used for academic purposes only. Computers in the LC are monitored and inappropriate use will not be tolerated. Priority will always go to classes that have reserved computer time in advance.
Circulation Policies: Check out period for books is 3 weeks and they may be renewed if needed. There are no fines for overdue materials, however, we encourage you to return your items on time as others may be waiting for them.
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